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Call for abstracts

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Traditionally, news media served as an interface between citizens and politics, eventually influencing the political behaviour together with the context and social networks embededness.


In the information age, both politics and communication are transformed. The popularity of online social platforms  has increased the number of actors affected to spread political, commercial and other messages to a massive number of potential recipients. In this workshop we want to explore and characterize such phenomena through the lens of network theory and its applications. 



  • Networked Collective Political Identities


  • Context collapse


  • Online Culture Wars


  • Diffusion of News and Misinformation


  • Selective Exposure, Echo Chambers and Polarization


  • Emergence of leaderships


  • Digital Parties Platform Communication


  • Data based propaganda


  • Populism (operative definition / quantification)


  • The Rise of the far right



The aim of the PCNet satellite is to provide a forum where qualitative and quantitative methods in political communication studies can interact and mutually cross-fertilize. Network science serves as a common ground, both theoretical and methodological, for a transdisciplinary dialogue between these complementary traditions.







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Our Invited Speakers

Get to Know Them

We’re proud to feature a transdisciplinary list of prominent speakers. Don’t miss out.


Paolo Gerbaudo

Director of the Centre for Digital Culture, King's College London

His research focuses on the transformation of politics in the digital era, in the context of social movements and political parties. Currently working on the ideology of the populist era, focusing on notions of control and protection that lie at the heart of contemporary political discourse. His research methodology combines discourse analysis, qualitative interviews with organisers, and social media analysis.

Joana Gonçalves de Sá

Leader of the Social Physics and Complexity (SPAC) research group at LIP, Portugal

Her current research uses data analytics and machine learning to study complex problems at the interface between Biomedicine, Computation, Policy, Social Sciences, and Mathematics. These include epidemiology, critical thinking, network dynamics, political discourse, and their applications to human-behavior, with a large ethical and societal focus. She is also the President of the General Assembly of the Citizens Forum, an NGO that aims at improving the quality of the democratic discussion.

Walter Quattrociocchi

Head of the Laboratory of Data Science and Complexity at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice

His research interests include data science, network science, cognitive science, and data-driven modeling of dynamic processes in complex networks. His activity focuses on the data-driven modeling of social dynamics such as (mis)information spreading and the emergence of collective phenomena. Since 2018 he is Scientific Advisor of the Italian Communication Authority (AGCOM).

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Our Schedule



Opening Remarks



Joana Gonçalves de Sá [Keynote Speaker]

Thoughts on why people share fake news


Contributed Talks


  • Zahra Ghadiri, Sima Hashemi, Milad Ranjbar, Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad and Sadegh Raeisi
    Fake News Analysis in Persian (Farsi) tweets

  • Amirhossein Farzam, Parham Moradi, Zahra Padar and Saeedeh Mohammadi
    Farsi Twitter as a public sphere: An event-based analysis of discussion spaces in Farsi Twitter


Open discussion



Walter Quattrociocchi [Keynote Speaker]


From Confirmation Bias to Echo Chambers: A data-driven approach


Contributed Talks


  • Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Corrado Monti and Michele Starnini 
    No Echo in this Chamber: Cross-Cutting Political Interactions on Reddit

  • Ted Hsuan Yun Chen, Ali Salloum, Antti Gronow, Tuomas Ylä-Anttila and Mikko Kivelä
    Polarization of Climate Politics Results from Partisan Sorting: Evidence from Finnish Twittersphere


Open discussion



(DIY)Coffee break



Contributed talks

  • Samin Aref, Zachary Neal
    Detecting and analyzing coalitions by optimally partitioning signed networks of political collaboration

  • Bernat Esquirol Juanola, Luce Prignano, Albert Diaz-Guilera and Emanuele Cozzo
    Analysing behavioural changes in Twitter political and general users during the spanish COVID-19 outbreak.

  • Olivier Philippe
    Automatic topic modelling of official communication from Spanish far right deputies during the COVID crisis


Paolo Gerbaudo [Keynote Speaker]

Studying online right-wing populism: the case of Matteo Salvini's Facebook page


Contributed talks

Guiomar Rovira Sancho
The mexican #MeToo campaign as digital direct action


Open discussion



Final remarks


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Organizing Commitee


Emanuele Cozzo



Luce Prignano



Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad



Frederic Guerrero Solé



Antonio Calleja Lopez



Juan Linares


Home: Sponsors
Political Communication Networks
Political Communication Networks
NetSci2020 satellite Workshop
18 sept 2020, 19:00
Online Event
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